Privacy Policy

We value your privacy and want you informed about our data practices. Here's how we handle your information:

INFORMATION GATHERING: We respect your privacy and collect data as outlined here, solely for site improvement, updates, and limited marketing purposes.

COLLECTED DATA: Our server identifies visitor domain names, not email addresses. We gather information to enhance website content and notify about updates. We may use it for limited marketing but never share it for commercial gain.

COOKIES & REGISTRATION: We use cookies but don't mandate registration. While registration seeks contact details for service updates, we never sell this data. Offering demographic info or unique identifiers is optional but enhances your personalized experience.

ORDER FORM: Our order form collects contact and, at times, financial information for order processing and contact purposes. We prioritize using encrypted technologies for data transfer and have secure measures to protect your information.

NEWSLETTER & SURVEYS: We manage a newsletter and surveys, safeguarding subscriber emails from any sale or sharing.

UPDATES & RESOLUTION: Any changes to our policy will be posted here or on our homepage. We're committed to resolving issues within 24-48 hours and can be contacted via email, telephone, or social media avenues. Your privacy matters to us.